C.O.A.C.H. Business Program

The proven method to launch and grow your coaching business

March 17, 2025


1h + Q&A

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¡En inglés con traducción simultánea al español!

Do you want to propel your coaching forward?

Do you want to learn how to get support as a coaching entrepreneur?


Do you want to know the most important components of launching your coaching business?

Are you tired of procrastinating having your coaching business?


Do you want to expand your coaching income?



The COACH Business Program is exclusively for professional certified coaches that want to make a difference in the world by STARTING and/or GROWING their coaching business, whether you are just starting or in the process of growing your coaching business.

After 14 years operating a coaching business, Guillermo will share with you what he has found to be the most important in terms of knowledge, experience, resources, failures and successes to give you the tools to launch and grow a successful coaching business. So you can successfully operate and enjoy the freedom of owning your own business and making a difference in the world.


  • Show you the power of the COACH Business program.

  • Give you the 3 pillars for a successful business.

  • Explore the C.O.A.C.H. acronym as the formula for your business.

    This webinar will include a long Q&A session to help you with your business.

Topics of the webinar

  • The COACH Business Program

  • The 3 pillars for success

  • The C.O.A.C.H. formula acronym

Target audience

  • Professional certified coaches serious about launching and growing their coaching business.

Language and format

  • Program in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish, and completely online.

  • The session will be recorded and you will have permanent access to it.

Who's your trainer?

Guillermo Mendoza accelerates leadership and personal growth around the globe, helping people unlock the power of mindsets. Leadership expert, global speaker, author, entrepreneur, meditator, and executive coach. He is passionate about sharing the tools and experiences that he has on neuroscience, emotional intelligence, mindfulness and coaching to help people and leaders to thrive by creating consciousness, developing leadership, and getting results.

Guillermo is dedicated to empowering leaders to grow a successful organization developing talent in people. His authentic style and insight engage people to reflect on their leadership and to make the necessary changes to create transformations in their minds that will positively impact lives.

He helped Microsoft starting in sales and expanding operations by opening subsidiaries in Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Panama before being named General Manager for the Caribbean and Central America region. By embracing mindfulness, meditation, and personal growth he has found the most impactful mindsets for success.

He is the first USA trainer for the ICC, certifying professional coaches and he is fluent in English, Spanish and Portuguese. He has worked with leaders from USA, Mexico, Brazil, Puerto Rico, Italy, Egypt, Argentina, Belgium, Austria, Spain, Venezuela, Colombia, and Costa Rica from organizations like BBVA Compass Bank, Repsol, Technip FMC, ExxonMobil, Marathon Oil, Hexpol, Para la Naturaleza, Linde, Autoliv, Indeed and others.

View Guillermo’s full ICC profile

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