3 de julio, 2017
19h UK – (13h Mexico, 15h Argentina, 20h España)
El trabajo en equipo implica que un grupo de personas trabajan de manera coordinada en la ejecución de un proyecto y cada miembro afecta positiva o negativamente en el otro compañero y en el resultado final. La función del Coaching es facilitar la experiencia acompañando el aprendizaje de las diferentes percepciones de los miembros del equipo.
Temas a cubrir
- Equipo de alto desempeño y sus mapas mentales
- Diferencias generales entre los miembros: Sexo, genero, formación profesional, cultura, momentos de vida, etc.
- Relaciones
Programa en Español y completamente online:
- Participe de las clases a través de su computadora, smartphone o tablet.
- Todas las sesiones son grabadas y la comunidad tendrá acceso a todo el material.
Conozca el perfil del entrenador

Ricardo Alonso
Ricardo Alonso
Academic Information
- 2015 Coaching Trainers training 3-9 August Joseph O’Connor and Andrea Lages
- 2015 Meta-Coaching certification with neuro-semantics Michael Hall
- 2015 IMEPL Team Coaching Certification at International Coaching Community (ICC), Mexico City
- 2014 Trainer trainers L’oreal Academmy of Business
- 2014 Generative Coaching. NLP center of Guadalajara Mexico with Robert Dilts.
- 2013 IMPEL Life Coaching Certification at International Coaching Community (ICC). Mexico
- 2011 IMPEL Excecutive coaching certification at International Coaching Community (ICC), Mexico
- 2011 Master in Organization Psicology at University of Americas, Puebla (UDLAP)
- 2010 Bachelor degree of Business administration at University of Americas (UDLAP)
– Sports Scholarship (from 2007 to 2010) 90%
– Thesis project: Coaching: An organizational transform Method
2010 Offensive coordinator at American Football team black demon’s Madrid, Spain
2010 Quarterback of the year and Most Valuable Player.
-Writer at Global coaching magazine
-After an intervention of Coaching executive face to face 1 general sales manager got promoted and 1 juridical director.
After an intervention 1 general manufacture got promoted.
After an intervention 1 sales worker find job at Pfizer.
Professional experience
- 500 hrs of coach staff (in a group of 7 to 15) in the International Coaching Community (ICC)
- Experience in Seamen’s as a trainer of beginners in Presentation skills, Self-steam courses.
- Experiences in coaching face to face 300hrs Excecutive Coaching, 40 hrs in Life Coaching 100 hrs in Sports Coaching . 10 hrs in Team Coaching.
until now General Operator
- Support to all the offices in México and Colombia, Contracts of new people, introduction and planning the new roll at impel.
- Responsible for communicate every aspect that promote IMPELs certification, trainings, assessments and other business regarding strategies.
- Key role playing, designing and implementing all the corporate strategies communication for a better operation.
2011 to 2014
General administrator
- Analysis of expense’s, investment’s, and sell’s.
- Inventory control
- Clients services
- Control communication earnings
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