Webinars and video library
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Here you can find the recordings for the latest webinars delivered through the ICC Academy.
La Importancia de una conversación generativa
Webinar con Carlos Alonso (ICC México), Karina Pittini (ICC Uruguay), Alexandra Lemos (ICC Portugal) y Alberto Nandja (ICC Mozambique).
Entrevista a Daniel Alvarez Lamas
Entrevista con Daniel Alvarez Lamas, Trainer de la International Coaching Community en España.
Entrevista a Angel Cortes
Entrevista a Angel Cortes
Entrevista a Angel Cortes, entrenador de Coaching para la International Coaching Community en El Salvador.
Storytelling para Coaching
Certificação Internacional em Coaching São Paulo, nov 2014
O treinamento para Certificação Internacional em Coaching com Andrea Lages
Leadership Coaching in Business
Coaching nas Organizações III – Coaching para o Aumento de Performance
Coaching Hangouts: El Poder del Coaching en las Asesorías
Coaching para Mujeres
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