Certified coaches around the world

Countries represented

Trainings per year

Online courses, free webinars, events and latest news

Free Webinar: C.O.A.C.H. Business Program

Free Webinar: C.O.A.C.H. Business Program

With Guillermo Mendoza, ICC trainer for the USA. In English »
Free Webinar: Coaching, liderazgo e inteligencia emocional

Free Webinar: Coaching, liderazgo e inteligencia emocional

With Manuel Sarmiento, ICC trainer from Colombia. In Spanish »
Free Webinar: Menos conflictos, más conexión familiar

Free Webinar: Menos conflictos, más conexión familiar

With Marcela Parga, ICC trainer from Spain, and coach María José Fernández. In Spanish »
Free Webinar:  Psicología de la felicidad

Free Webinar: Psicología de la felicidad

With Karina Pittini, ICC trainer for Uruguay y Chile. In Spanish »
Free Webinar: El puente entre tu propósito y el de tu empresa

Free Webinar: El puente entre tu propósito y el de tu empresa

With José Luis Ramírez, ICC coach from Colombia. In Spanish »
Webinar Recording: ICC Competencies – How to be a confident professional coach

Webinar Recording: ICC Competencies – How to be a confident professional coach

Watch the webinar with Guillermo Mendoza, ICC Trainer from the USA. In English »
Webinar Recording: Emociones – aliado imprescindible del Coaching

Webinar Recording: Emociones – aliado imprescindible del Coaching

Watch the webinar with Cristian Galvis, ICC coach from Colombia. In Spanish »
Webinar Recording: From Tension to Teamwork – Coaching Solutions for Conflict

Webinar Recording: From Tension to Teamwork – Coaching Solutions for Conflict

Watch the webinar with Raechel Ford, trainer for New Zealand. In English »

International Coaching Programs

Certificacion InternacionalInternational Coaching Certification

With this program, you will be able to obtain the International Certification in Coaching and become a member of the International Coaching Community. This training will help you acquire and develop the fundamental skills necessary to practice coaching in the personal and organizational sphere.

Coaching de EquiposInternational Certification in Team Coaching

Organizations that have already tested the effectiveness of individual coaching are introducing this philosophy at all levels, for which highly specialized coaches are needed to create more cohesive, creative, and efficient work teams.

Coaching EjecutivoInternational Certification in Business Coaching

More and more businesses are investing in coaching to develop their senior managers’ leadership skills. This course will help you develop yourself as a coach and become one of the elite coaches for leaders. This is an advanced training course open to coaches certified by the ICC who have already completed the relevant initial training.

executive-coaching-iccInternational Certification in Executive Coaching

This program will allow you to be an accredited executive coach. The certification will enable you to guide leaders, executives and organizations to deliver better results and reach the highest level of performance.

International Certification in Life Coaching Coaching de Vida

Businesses lose millions of euros, pounds, and dollars each year because their employees are stressed, miss work, or make poor decisions when they’re there. This unique course is geared to train coaches to help people balance their lives.

Certificate in Neuroscience CoachingCertificate in Neuroscience Coaching

Coaching the Brain is the first distance learning course to be accredited by the ICC, giving practical applications of neuroscience to coaching. Neuroscience is at the forefront of coaching, and we believe this program places Lambent and the ICC at the cutting edge of coaching methodology in the ‘twenties.

ICC Academy

Continued education for Coaches
Free ICC coaching webinar

Webinars and Courses

Enjoy our non-stop education. Sign up for our long-distance courses and free webinars to add more coaching tools and knowledge to your coaching practice. »
Coaching Blog ICC


Articles written by experienced coaches in your field. We invite you to read our articles and participate by asking questions to continue growing in knowledge and community. »
Coaching video library

Video library

Enjoy the library of video recordings with dozens of master classes delivered by ICC trainers from all around the world contributing to your continued education as a Coach. »
Store ICC


Books and audiobooks for you to keep training yourself as a coach! »

Find an International Certified Coach

Accomplish your goals with the help of our accredited coaches

Join a Global and Powerful Network of Coaches

Guaranteed quality

The accredited course followed in this ICC certification has been designed by Lambent. Lambent has been distinguished with the European Quality Award (EQA) by the EMCC.

Global organization

The ICC was founded in 2001 by Joseph O’Connor and Andrea Lages. It consists of over 16,000 certified coaches, 47 official trainers, and is present on all five continents, offering more than 100 trainings per year.

International Coaching Congress

Participate in the Congress and get in contact with outstanding speakers and trainers from around the world who will show you how coaching can create extraordinary results for you and your clients!

Effective methodology

Training programs and methodology created by Lambent has been used to train 16,000 people from 78 countries since 2001. The structure and content of the course are designed to teach students knowledge, skills, and self-development. It is suitable for business executives of any level.

Job market

Your profile will be on a list on the ICC website as a reference for clients who need coaching services in their country or city, giving you the credibility and professionalism of belonging to our Community.

International Coaching Summit

Your annual opportunity to connect with outstanding coaches and trainers from around the world, presenting key topics for coaching and human development.

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